Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ancient Chinese Guy visits rehab

So much individual work that we require in this culture of ours. In my Eastern Philosophizing, I have come to imagine how alien this modern America would seem to an ancient Chinese guy. He'd show up to a reality show celebrity rehab all like, what the hell, why is nobody tending the fields they're dry as a bone and completely furrowless where is the plough and the ox and why are we spending our days sitting in a circle of chairs talking about our childhoods which by the way shouldn't have been that complicated since they were spent in blind filial obedience to our parents because after all would we even exist without them?

And then we'd all turn to him and laugh and go, silly old man there're no fields to plow anymore plus we have machines for that. Besides, tilling the fields at this altitude, in this kind of climate-- you kidding? You'd be spending your evenings plucking off precancerous moles. Meanwhile the Chinese guy would actually be picking some invisible creatures from his scalp while we're telling him this, causing one blonde lady with crows feet to remark, my god do you really have things growing on you why haven't you had that checked out at some point and should we all really be sitting this close to him right now when clearly he needs medical treatment?

These are all questions for the Chinese guy but seeing as how he can't actually respond it's a wonder why we even bother asking them, except to hear ourselves affirm that yes he's clearly nutso and who let him in here to our sacred space just to dump all over our whole process?

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